My friend, and regular Gourmet Project commenter, Nique writes a weekly comic devoted to thinly veiled jabs at the people in her life. This week she shows her appreciation for The Project. Check out all of her fine work at
In other news, operation 60 in 60 is significantly behind. I’ve done 30 in 45, not quite the pace I was hoping to set. So I’ll need accelerate to two recipes per day for the next couple of weeks to get up to #113 by Sept 14th.
On a brighter note I’ve finished the backlog of dishes from the spring of 2006, and can now focus on the spring of 2007.
6 replies on “Flattery Will Get You Everywhere”
Whoo! What an awesome comic! Rock on!
well played nique, well played. There’s nothing better in the kitchen than a manicured beard and a tweed jacket.
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