Food Blogs

And Then There Were Four

The cooking-the-whole-Gourmet-Cookbook trio has become a quartet. Adam, inspired by the recent WSJ article, has started his own version of the project. Cheer him on at Gourmet, all the way.

Best of luck Adam!


I'm a graduate student in Montreal. I spend most of my time studying drug addiction using brain imaging techniques. I'm also a foodie, exploring the culinary world both in and out of my kitchen.

6 replies on “And Then There Were Four”

Thanks for the warm welcome, Kevin. I’m really excited about the project, and I’m looking forward to all of the fun I’m going to have cooking and eating a lot of wonderful food along the way.

Your future is full of wonderful decadent food, but remember that the abject failures, inedible dishes, and kitchen disasters are half the fun.

And by kitchen disasters, do you mean the clean-up? It brings to mind the magret de canard which had me sliding on the thin layer of duck grease that had coated the entire kitchen floor. Duck=good, greasy floor=not so good.

Kebes: I’ll endeavor to fail more spectacularly for your amusement.

MVB: That magret was an unqualified success. Although I need to get better about using the splatter screen.

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